August 9, 2024

You need an AI advisor in your company

Discover the importance of having an AI advisor in your company and how our AI Advisory service can transform your business.

You need an AI advisor in your company

Do you need an AI advisor in your company

Every company will have to adopt artificial intelligence systems, or is already doing it, more or less consciously. To ensure that you implement the right technologies and that you are always up to date on AI developments, it is important to have a dedicated figure in the company.

The Crucial Role of the AI Advisor

Artificial intelligence can transform every aspect of a business, from daily operations to long-term strategies. However, navigating the complex world of AI requires specialized skills. This is why it is essential to have a dedicated AI advisor who can guide the company through this path of innovation.

The AI Advisory Service for Local Companies

For this reason, we have created an AI Advisory service for local companies, offered at a low cost to have a greater impact on the local economy of Ticino. This service is designed to provide ongoing and tailored support, ensuring that companies can make the most of the potential of AI.

Our Collaborations and Skills

We have worked with important companies such as Volvo, EF (Education First), Talent Garden, Hyper Island, and many others. Our experience has allowed us to develop in-depth skills that we can now make available to small local businesses. We are convinced that we can help SMEs to adopt technology effectively and strategically.

What does the AI Advisory Service Include

  1. Biweekly Meetings: Regular meetings with the customer to discuss progress, challenges and opportunities related to AI.
  2. Weekly Information Sharing: We provide weekly updates on AI news in the company's reference sector, keeping the customer always informed.
  3. Practical Teaching Material: We offer educational resources to learn how to use AI tools, making the company autonomous in the use of advanced technologies.
  4. Implementation Plans: We develop detailed plans for the implementation of AI tools, customized according to the company's specific needs.
  5. Tailor-made Training: We offer customized training activities to train company personnel, ensuring a smooth and effective transition.


Adopting AI is no longer an option, but a necessity to remain competitive. Having a dedicated AI advisor can make the difference between simple technological adoption and real business transformation. We at AI-rchitect are here to accompany you on this journey, offering an AI Advisory service that makes innovation accessible to all SMEs in Ticino.

Contact us today to find out how our AI Advisory service can transform your company, taking it to new levels of efficiency and competitiveness. We're ready to support you every step of your AI journey!

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